DIY Painted Pink Confetti Couch!
Did you know you can paint a couch?! Total game changer!
You see, when we first signed the lease on Confetti Land HQ back in March, I was scouring my local thrift shops for a super cool couch. I found one (for $150) that I loved the shape of, but the color was very...bleh. (As Desha Peacock would say, it wasn't exactly in line with what I would consider my "Sweet Spot Style" ;) ) But the shape was way cool, it had adorable tufted buttons, and the price was just right.
I debated for a few days on whether I should get it, even inquiring about reupholstery (quoted at $2,000...yeah I dunno about you, but that was WAY out of my price range!) and finally everyone was just like "Get it now and worry about the look of it later."
So I did.
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{Photo by Anaise Prince}
So for a few months now I've been growing used to this beige monster, but a few weeks ago the genius Alonda of Designer Dwellings was over and nonchalantly told me she found this company online that sells paint for furniture. I immediately looked them up, and my heart did a little happy dance when I saw all of the amazing colors they offer.
Heirloom Traditions Paint has been in the paint manufacturing business for over 30 years, and they specialize in a chalk type paint in over 50 amazing colors.
Once I saw their signature pink — named Marilyn's Lipstick — I knew it was the color this Confetti Land couch was destined to be, so Alonda and I set out to transform it.
We started by priming the couch and cushions with FAB!, Heirloom Traditions' clear primer/sealer. We used the clear version to both prime and seal, but they also make a primer version that is tinted white if you have a heavy pattern to cover. This couch is about 8 feet long with a thick upholstery-type fabric, and we used about 4 and a half jars of FAB! to prime the entire thing.
We let the primer dry overnight, and then started in on the pink goodness! It only took one coat of pink paint to cover, and we used about 1 & three quarters of the 32oz cans of Marilyn's Lipstick.
Once that was completely dry, we used more clear FAB! to seal it, which only took about 1 & a half more jars. (Since the fabric is now painted and less absorbent, the sealer stretches a lot further).
We then used hot glue to add some confetti embellishments (using our signature Unicorn Dandruff mix, of course!), because a pink couch in Confetti Land needs some confetti. Obvi.
So, I will say the final texture turned out to be kind of a faux-leathery feel, but it's not really stiff or crunchy. I'm noticing the more it gets "broken-in," the softer it gets, and it's still quite comfy. The couch was pretty stiff to begin with, so I'm perfectly happy with the feel of it.
I'm also super impressed with how well the paint covered, and now I keep looking at ugly furniture thinking it can be made any color I want! Next up? I'm thinking a purple office chair...
Total cost of the couch?
Couch itself = $150.00
FAB! (6 jars) = $180.00
Marilyn's Lipstick Paint (2 - 32 oz cans) = $60.00
Total = $390.00
That's right — less than 400 bucks for all of this amazingness. Just think of the possibilities!