Confetti Burgers

Confetti Burger by The Confetti Bar


Start with a colorful confetti patty, brightly blended to perfection. Add a slice of neon pink cheese and a crinkly piece of iridescent lettuce. Drizzle on shimmery pink ketchup and golden mustard paint before sprinkling on sparkly sequins. Place a few disco pickles, and season with a shake of some glittery glitter. YUM.*👌🏻😋🍔🎉✨

Confetti Burger by The Confetti Bar

Confetti Burger by The Confetti Bar

Confetti Burger by The Confetti Bar

Confetti Burger by The Confetti Bar

Confetti Burger by The Confetti Bar

Confetti Burger by The Confetti Bar

Confetti Burger by The Confetti Bar

Confetti Burger by The Confetti Bar

Confetti Burger by The Confetti Bar

Confetti Burger by The Confetti Bar

Confetti Burger by The Confetti Bar

Confetti Burger by The Confetti Bar

Confetti Burger by The Confetti Bar

Confetti Burger by The Confetti Bar

Confetti Burger by The Confetti Bar

Confetti Burger by The Confetti Bar

Confetti Burger by The Confetti Bar

*P.S. We don't really have to tell you not to actually eat something like this, do we? But this is the internet soooo…this is just for funsies and we do not actually advocate eating glitter and paint and confetti. 🙊🤪


A DIY Confetti Bar For Your New Year's Eve Celebration {Free Printable}


Easter Eggs Printable: Confetti-Filled Fortunes